Friday, January 14, 2011


In a dream, I heard someone say very loudly.... GO HOME!
Home represents my living close to nature and the instinctual. It is where the raw creative energy lies and my art that flows spontaneously from there. It is where I am most myself, authentic and clear about what I know. It is in wild nature that I have found my connections to who I am. To get back there I had to challenge my memory bank and gain entrance to my wealth. When I am writing I am genuinely myself. When I am not writing, I am an exile. Writing creates Home.
Someone once commented on a poetry post, saying, "you write lightning." It is that lightning that keeps me true to myself.

photo: cabin in Shuswap where I lived for several years. From here I wrote the first drafts of The Woman Who Could See In All Directions At The Same Time and Herself/MySelf.